主持或参与国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省自然科学青年基金、重点装备基础理论及关键技术攻关、JKW重大基础研究课题等项目。近五年发表SCI论文30篇(第一或通讯作者16篇),含美国航空航天学会主刊AIAA Journal 5篇(均为一作),授权国家发明专利20余项,入选江苏省青年科技人才托举工程,荣获中国仿真学会一等奖。
2024年03月至今 威尼斯娱人城官网 副研究员 硕士生导师
2022年02月-2024年02月 德国慕尼黑工业大学 博士后
AIAA Journal
Nonlinear Dynamics
1. Rui Zhu,Dong Jiang, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Automaticnonlinear subspace identification using clustering judgment based on similarityfiltering. AIAA Journal. 2023, 61(6): 2666-2674.
2. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Bayesian model selection in nonlinear subspaceidentification. AIAA Journal, 2022, 60(1): 92-101.
3. Rui Zhu, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang. Nonlinear system identification of a double-well Duffing oscillator with position-dependent friction. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 108, 2993-3008.
4. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Identification of nonlinear stiffness anddamping parameters using a ybrid approach. AIAA Journal, 2021, 59(11):4686-4695.
5. Rui Zhu,Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Zhifu Cao. Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis Based onSherman–Morrison–Woodbury Formula. AIAA Journal, 2019, Vol.57(11), 4992-5001.
6. Rui Zhu, DongJiang, Zhixiang Huang, Lei Xie, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Full-field modalidentification using reliability-guided frequency-domain-based digital imagecorrelation method based on multi-camera system. Measurement. 2023, 211: 112567.
7. WeiyuanYuan#, Rui Zhu#*(共同一作兼通讯作者), Tao Xiang#, S.Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Qingguo Fei. Nonlinear system identification usingAudio-Inspired WaveNet Deep Neural Networks. AIAA Journal. 2023,61(9):4070-4078.
8. Rui Zhu,Dong Jiang, Xiaochen Hang, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Using Novel Nonlinear Subspace Identification toidentify Airfoil-Store System with Nonlinearity. Aerospace Science and Technology,2023, 142: 108647.
9. Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang. Frequencymodulation analysis of solar array using genetic algorithm. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2023, 237(7): 1714-1724.
10. Rui Zhu,Sufang Chen, Dong Jiang, Shitao Xie, Lei Ma, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Enhancing NonlinearSubspace Identification Using Sparse Bayesian Learning with Spike and SlabPriors. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2023: 1-11.
11. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang.Removing Adverse Effect of Measurement Process in Flotation Method. Proceedingsof The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of AerospaceEngineering, 2022, 236 (13):2842-2848.
12. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Zhifu Cao. Removing mass loading effects of multi-transducers usingSherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula in modal test. Aerospace Science andTechnology, 2019, 93: 105241.
13. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Xiaochen Hang. Using Sherman-Morrison Theory to remove coupled effects ofmulti-transducers in vibration test. Proceedings of The Institution ofMechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(4):1364-1376.
14. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Zhifu Cao. Maintaining specific natural frequency of damped system despite massmodification. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 2019:1-11.
序号 | 项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
1 | 空天飞行器巡航状态翼舵结构动载荷识别方法研究 | 国家自然青年科学基金 | 2025.01-2027.12 | 主持 | 30万 |
2 | 空天飞行器非线性舵结构动载荷反演方法研究 | 江苏省自然青年科学基金 | 2024.07-2027.06 | 主持 | 20万 |
3 | 飞行器结构系统识别研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费 | 2024.06-2027.05 | 主持 | 40万 |
4 | 基于非线性子空间系统识别研究 | 威尼斯娱人城官网优秀博士学位论文培育基金 | 2020.03-2021.09 | 主持 | 3万 |
序号 | 专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
1 | ZL201611251330.3 | 不同坐标系间载荷的投影方法 | 发明专利 |
2 | ZL202110445319.5 | 一种脉冲激励下基于数据驱动的非线性阻尼识别方法 | 发明专利 |
3 | ZL201911146441.1 | 一种柔性结构中立方非线性系统识别方法 | 发明专利 |
4 | ZL201911146410.6 | 一种航天器结构中间隙非线性系统识别方法 | 发明专利 |
5 | ZL202010047096.2 | 一种自由振动位移驱动的航天器结构非线性特征检测方法 | 发明专利 |
6 | ZL201811445100.X | 一种实现太阳翼调频作动器位置优化的方法 | 发明专利 |
7 | ZL201710598555.4 | 一种模态试验中多传感器附加质量消除方法 | 发明专利 |
8 | ZL201810981537.9 | 一种柔性平面桁架频响动态重分析方法 | 发明专利 |
主持或参与国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省自然科学青年基金、重点装备基础理论及关键技术攻关、JKW重大基础研究课题等项目。近五年发表SCI论文30篇(第一或通讯作者16篇),含美国航空航天学会主刊AIAA Journal 5篇(均为一作),授权国家发明专利20余项,入选江苏省青年科技人才托举工程,荣获中国仿真学会一等奖。
1. Rui Zhu,Dong Jiang, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Automaticnonlinear subspace identification using clustering judgment based on similarityfiltering. AIAA Journal. 2023, 61(6): 2666-2674.
2. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Bayesian model selection in nonlinear subspaceidentification. AIAA Journal, 2022, 60(1): 92-101.
3. Rui Zhu, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang. Nonlinear system identification of a double-well Duffing oscillator with position-dependent friction. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 108, 2993-3008.
4. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Identification of nonlinear stiffness anddamping parameters using a ybrid approach. AIAA Journal, 2021, 59(11):4686-4695.
5. Rui Zhu,Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Zhifu Cao. Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis Based onSherman–Morrison–Woodbury Formula. AIAA Journal, 2019, Vol.57(11), 4992-5001.
6. Rui Zhu, DongJiang, Zhixiang Huang, Lei Xie, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Full-field modalidentification using reliability-guided frequency-domain-based digital imagecorrelation method based on multi-camera system. Measurement. 2023, 211: 112567.
7. WeiyuanYuan#, Rui Zhu#*(共同一作兼通讯作者), Tao Xiang#, S.Marchesiello, D. Anastasio, Qingguo Fei. Nonlinear system identification usingAudio-Inspired WaveNet Deep Neural Networks. AIAA Journal. 2023,61(9):4070-4078.
8. Rui Zhu,Dong Jiang, Xiaochen Hang, Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei. Using Novel Nonlinear Subspace Identification toidentify Airfoil-Store System with Nonlinearity. Aerospace Science and Technology,2023, 142: 108647.
9. Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang. Frequencymodulation analysis of solar array using genetic algorithm. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2023, 237(7): 1714-1724.
10. Rui Zhu,Sufang Chen, Dong Jiang, Shitao Xie, Lei Ma, S. Marchesiello, D. Anastasio. Enhancing NonlinearSubspace Identification Using Sparse Bayesian Learning with Spike and SlabPriors. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2023: 1-11.
11. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang.Removing Adverse Effect of Measurement Process in Flotation Method. Proceedingsof The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of AerospaceEngineering, 2022, 236 (13):2842-2848.
12. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Zhifu Cao. Removing mass loading effects of multi-transducers usingSherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula in modal test. Aerospace Science andTechnology, 2019, 93: 105241.
13. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Xiaochen Hang. Using Sherman-Morrison Theory to remove coupled effects ofmulti-transducers in vibration test. Proceedings of The Institution ofMechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(4):1364-1376.
14. Rui Zhu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang,Zhifu Cao. Maintaining specific natural frequency of damped system despite massmodification. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 2019:1-11.
序号 | 项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
1 | 空天飞行器巡航状态翼舵结构动载荷识别方法研究 | 国家自然青年科学基金 | 2025.01-2027.12 | 主持 | 30万 |
2 | 空天飞行器非线性舵结构动载荷反演方法研究 | 江苏省自然青年科学基金 | 2024.07-2027.06 | 主持 | 20万 |
3 | 飞行器结构系统识别研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费 | 2024.06-2027.05 | 主持 | 40万 |
4 | 基于非线性子空间系统识别研究 | 威尼斯娱人城官网优秀博士学位论文培育基金 | 2020.03-2021.09 | 主持 | 3万 |
序号 | 专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
1 | ZL201611251330.3 | 不同坐标系间载荷的投影方法 | 发明专利 |
2 | ZL202110445319.5 | 一种脉冲激励下基于数据驱动的非线性阻尼识别方法 | 发明专利 |
3 | ZL201911146441.1 | 一种柔性结构中立方非线性系统识别方法 | 发明专利 |
4 | ZL201911146410.6 | 一种航天器结构中间隙非线性系统识别方法 | 发明专利 |
5 | ZL202010047096.2 | 一种自由振动位移驱动的航天器结构非线性特征检测方法 | 发明专利 |
6 | ZL201811445100.X | 一种实现太阳翼调频作动器位置优化的方法 | 发明专利 |
7 | ZL201710598555.4 | 一种模态试验中多传感器附加质量消除方法 | 发明专利 |
8 | ZL201810981537.9 | 一种柔性平面桁架频响动态重分析方法 | 发明专利 |